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Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31,2011 Daily image

I see pipes going all the way to a abandon town and the pipes are very rusty one of them is broken its a cloudy day and it looks like a waste land.
The colors I see are brown,green,gray,orange,blue,white,black. The shapes I see are cylinders, squares, and rectangles. The lines I see are parallels, perpendiculars,right angles.
The words that comes to mind when I look at this picture is old,rusty,lifeless,unknown,destroyed. I interpret this photograph as a wasteland of the old times. This photograph is using the rule of composition by focusing on the town and trying to put the town out of focus.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

daily image of Jan11,2011

I see a park looks like its in the middle of the city in bright daylight.
The only colors I see are black and white and the shapes I see are rectangle cylinder a circle and the lines i see are parallel lines.

5 expressives word i can come up with is calming, lively, environmental, clear, adventurous.

The way I can interpret this photo is that I can describe this as the perfect afternoon the certain day when it turns out perfect.

The way It uses the rule of composition it mainly focuses on the whole entire park and the people thats in it.