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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Top 3 Techniques I would use in Photography

Have you ever heard of the rule of thirds or maybe breaking the rule of photography or even filling your frame I’ll explain how are they are used and why are they are used in the photography world. But it wont be a walk in the park the photography world is a little hard to me because I’m a beginner. I started from scratch I thought it was going be easy taking pictures like a point and click but I was dead wrong photography is way different from a simple little point and click.

Rules of thirds one of the first things that budding digital photography learns about classes on photography and rightly so as it the basis for well balanced and interesting shots. It very basic the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking down an image into thirds and getting your money shots trust me money shots are the most important thing when comes to photography.

Breaking the rules of photography can lead to a great results if you learn how to obey the rules you can break them. Here is one rule that you can break the rule of thirds it works well in many situations however placing your subject dead center in an image can also produce powerful and confronting image particularly portraits where the subject is looking down a barrel.

Fill your frame is very important when it come to taking pictures of people with facial features of people filling your frame is not as easy as it looks your to crop your use legs on what angles you want and how do you want it taken and use your zoom all these examples will help you on filling your frame it improve my picture a little I’m a beginner so I’m doing the best I can photography is not as new to me except for the rest of things I do.

All these techniques really help me and I hope they help you beginner out there remember rules of thirds and learn how break the rules every once in a while. Remember the photography world is simple but takes a little time and practice you’ll be as good as the professionals. It’s always how you take the pictures what type of cameras you use. Breaking the rules will get you good result that’s my favorite one too.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My best pictures

What is symmetry?
symmetry is the same amount space on either side of the an imaginary line

How have your photographs demonstrated these two concept?
the demonstrat how they the have same amount of space and what types of shapes and lines that are there.

What is Asymmetry
It means not as much space on either side

What was your biggest challenge with this assignment?
My biggest challenge was how to set up the angle how good i want the picture.

What was your biggest success with this assignment?
My biggest success was my best pictures i took so far and having fun with it.